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Battling the Tech Vendors: Optimising Licence Spend and Avoiding Audit Risk
What's this research about?
As software and cloud expenditure continues to grow, fuelled by an increasingly digital landscape, SAM services can leverage optimisation to avoid unnecessary cost and risk while driving deeper value from investments in services.
This peer-led research study seeks to open a dialogue between IT and finance leaders to explore how enterprises manage software consumption within their cost optimisation discipline in an ever-increasing cloud landscape.
The research, sponsored by Livingstone Group, will feature the views and insights from 12 industry leaders regarding the challenges they face managing their software assets: are their companies able to plan for and mitigate risk, reduce costs, protect themselves from unbudgeted software exposure, improve their governance, optimise their licences, or prepare for vendor audits? will publish a Market View Publication containing insights from the interviews in April 2023.
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- Share your experiences and learn from others
- Find out what your industry peers think
- Be featured in a publication and on
- Raise awareness of your personal brand on LinkedIn
Book your interview:
Participation does not cost anything other than 30 minutes of your time. The interviews are held over Zoom or MS Teams. If you would like to discuss your interview with or our sponsor Livingstone Group before participating, please email with the theme you have been invited to interview for and a number to call you.
Background reading to set some context for the interview:
Further information:
See 2 example questions:
In a recent Forbes article it is stated that “nearly 38% of software is “wasted,” amounting to $34 billion for 149 different organisations”
What are the main influencing factors for this?
Gartner states that “Through 2024, 60% of enterprises will underestimate cloud infrastructure and platform services consumption rates, leading to higher costs and missed opportunities for savings.”
How do you go about forecasting software consumption, mitigating against unforeseen cost and controlling annual spend?