ETRM Training
During an ETRM implementation the solutions’ vendor is required to train client staffs on how to use the software properly. Proper and effective training is critical to the success of the implementation and customer usage of the solution going forward. It helps the customer understand how the system works, how it can be configured as well as how it can deliver the anticipated business benefits. Proper training is an essential aspect of an implementation program. This article outlines Amphora’s approach to training.
ETRM software has developed a reputation for being quite exhausting to learn and to an extent, this can be the case if the user is expected to learn how the software performs every action. At Amphora, we ensure that our training programs are tailored to the user’s needs, ensuring that each user is comfortable with using the system before go-live. Each user gets instruction on what they need to know about the solution to do their job effectively.

Before the implementation begins, Amphora asks the client to nominate staff to be “Super-Users”. The clients’ Super-Users will be comprehensively trained on all areas relevant to the client, understanding the system’s full potential, and, once live, will be able to provide solutions for other users without the involvement of Amphora’s support team or business analysts. These users become the experts on the system internally and will be able to support and train their colleagues going forward.
Training Course
Amphora’s business analyst will produce a tailored training program as part of the implementation. This is usually done in one week on-site, or remotely across two weeks. The standard program consists of 10 sessions, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours, where only the super users attend every single session. For other users, the business analyst will send invites only for the sessions that are relevant to their role. For instance, the finance team will only be required to attend the Commercial Accounting training session.

Before each session, a user guide for the application is sent to the users. This documentation tells the clients how the software works in general terms. Often during training, quick start guides are produced, usually across no more than a couple of pages. These can be useful for users during the first few times they use the system as a reminder of the key functions or processes they need to use.
After training is finished, clients have used the generic documentation to create their own internal, process-based guides, with screenshots taken from their environment. These deal with each client’s own specific processes and procedures. Some have even created online video demonstrations to illustrate processes in Symphony. Amphora’s business analysts also offer this service.
For a 12-week implementation, the training course will be completed by the end of week 8. This allows for adhoc sessions to be requested by the user(s) for the next 6 weeks, (up to go-live plus 2 weeks of hyper care). After this, for any additional guidance, a request will be sent to Amphora’s support team, via email or a Jira ticket is raised.
If more comprehensive training sessions are required, with a dedicated resource needed for several days, then this is chargeable to the client at a set fee that is stated in the Master License Agreement, agreed by the client during the sales process. An example of this is a client requesting for two business analysts from Amphora to be on-site for 2 weeks to set-up and train a new trading desk. Clients generally do not use this service in their first couple of years of being live.
Periodically, Amphora offer a free on-site training program that any client can send a user to attend. These courses take place across two days and are attended by senior Amphora management. The course generally comprises of a split between tutorials and workshops focusing on specific issues each client attending faces.
After each course, we provide a delegate feedback mechanism to ensure the courses are continually improving. We also offer delegate evaluation in using the software, if required by the client. The delegates will be asked to perform certain tasks in the applications within a certain time frame, whilst referring to the presentations and documentations provided.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification
Amphora is an accredited CPD provider. This means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.
A Certificate of Attendance is issued for users to attach to their CPD log as evidence of development once a training course is complete or the desired standards of learning have been met, along with CPD credits.
All of Amphora’s training courses are CPD certified, by the CPD Certification Service.
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